Woodbine, Ivy, Roses and Myrtle Art Print
This is a lovely old page from a book of botanical illustrations featuring a mixed bouquet of flowers, including pink and white roses, honeysuckles, and other greenery. Below the bouquet, there is an ornate text passage describing the flowers and their beauty.
Colbert Embroidery Book
A useful and informative digital facsimile of an antique book on the subject of Colbert Embroidery containing needlework patterns and samples. I hope you will enjoy poring through this interesting flip book as much as I have! There’s a wealth of knowledge including tried & tested techniques in rare old volumes like these and it’s lovely to think of all those crafty folk in days gone by getting pleasure out of the same pastimes that we do today.
100 Vintage Valentines Day Cards
These were sent as postcards to loved ones during the Victorian and Edwardian eras. They have not been edited, restored or artificially enhanced by me in any way and are perfect if you like that authentically aged look for your junk journals, antique ephemera collages etc. Please bear in mind how old these images are; technology was different back then and these cards were first hand painted by the artists then each card was often painstakingly reproduced by hand printing onto card to look like oil paintings on miniature canvases. They can’t be compared to images created today, they simply aren’t of the same ilk! They are the original postcard…
Little Girls In White Dresses
Little Girls in White Dresses naturally aged individual antique printable images in various sizes for you to use in your art works, including but not limited to scrapbooks, greeting cards, tags, toppers, junk journals, ephemera, mixed media collages etc.